Enter your recipe to win money and prizes in our
Prize Tested Recipes® Contest (see
page 181
Your recipe could be worth up to $500. Enter your
original (never before published) recipes in Prize Tested
contest, which features two new categories
each month. Each month we publish the top recipe in
each category.
Tw o S 5 0 0 w inners.
Let yo u r im agination lead yo u to develop a
dessert featuring nuts. W alnuts, pecans, alm onds, and peanuts
are favorites, but how about using less fam iliar kinds, such as
pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts, cashew s, and m acadam ia nuts? O r
try a com bination. G rin d them , ch o p them , o r leave them in bigger
pieces and toast them . H ow about a nut cake o r torte; a spice cake
with a nut-filled frosting; o r candies, cookies, and bars with plenty of
nuts. A nut-dotted pie cru st o r a pie o r tart with a nutty filling are
other options.
W e're looking fo r new w ays to serve
o r incorporate sausage into a recipe. A ny kind of sausage qualifies—
pork breakfast sausage, Italian, kielbasa, pepperoni, franks, brats,
chorizo, and andouille. Perhaps you saute it with vegetables, stuff
it into pasta, add it to corn bread o r pancake batter, serve it in a
sandw ich, w rap it in hom em ade dough, o r crum b le it in a casserole
o r soup.
H olly Bauer, W est Bend, W l; C arolyn Eichin,
Cam pbell, C A
A nnie Craw ford, Flagstaff, A Z; Stacee Sledge,
O lym pia, W A
D oris Alexander, Cleburne, T X ;
LeeAnn C am ut, W arrington, PA; Em ily Fitzgerald, Springs, TX ;
Tam ara L. Furda, N aperville, IL; Ann M arie G orm an , Rochester, NY;
Regina Henley, Childress, T X ; Rhonda H etrick, Lem ont, IL; M argaret
Kelliher, C aro l Stream , IL; C arolyn Kum pe, El D orado, C A ; Patricia
Schm idt, San Diego, C A
S u b ject to O fficial Rules at B H G .co m /re cip e /m em b e rR ecip e s. N o
p urch ase necessary. O p e n to legal U.S. residents, 14 years o r older.
V o id w here prohibited. S p o n so r: M eredith C orp ., D es M oines, Iowa.
A ugust co n test begins 7/15/10. By m ail, send entries to:
Food Dept., Better H o m e s and G a rd e n s “
m agazine, Des
M oines, IA 50 30 9 -30 23. O n lin e, sub m it e n try in fo rm atio n in an
e -m ail to P TR @ m ered m . E-m ail entries m ust be received by
11:59 p.m., C T, 8/24/10. M ail entries m ust be postm arked by 8/24/10
and received by 8/31/10.
For each C atego ry entered, create yo u r
original recipe. M ultiple entries are allow ed, but each recipe m ust
be subm itted as a separate entry, and each entry m ust m eet the
follow ing requirem ents:
• A re cip e m ay be su b m itte d in e ith e r o f th e tw o m o n th ly
C a te g o rie s. W rite o r type o n e ach e n try th e C a te g o ry yo u w ish
to enter. Each re cip e m ay o n ly be su b m itte d fo r ju d g in g in on e
C ate g o ry. M ultip le e n trie s m ay be su b m itte d in th e sam e envelope.
• R ecipe e n trie s m u st be o rig in al, and ca n n o t have been p re vio u sly
p u b lish ed , w on a n o th e r co m p e titio n o r co n te st, o r been used fo r
ad v e rtisin g o r p ro m o tio n a l p urpo ses.
• E n try m ust: (i) include recipe nam e and num b er o f servings the
recipe yields, (2) use ingredients that are available in m o st g ro ce ry
stores, (3) list ingredients with m easurem ents in o rd e r o f use, (4)
include step -b y-step preparation and co okin g directions, and (5)
include entrant nam e, age, co m p lete ad d ress w ith ZIP C o d e , and
telephone n u m b er w ith area code; an e-m ail ad d ress is optional.
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